Monday, May 7, 2012

Quote of the Day

Marlo- Baby Louis is exercising.
Mommy- He's exercising?
Marlo- Well he supposed to be.
Marlo- You can't go under it. You can't go over it. You have to swim right to it.
(I have no idea what she's referring to, we were eating dinner and these are the words of wisdom she had to share)
Sean shaved his beard a few days ago and it's been a topic of discussion.
Marlo- Your beard Daddy.
Daddy- Yeah,  it's growing back.
Marlo- It's growing back and forth, back and forth.
Driving on I35 towards downtown.
Marlo- I see downtown.
Go around a small curve for a very slightly different view of downtown.
Marlo- I see another downtown!