This morning I did some reading to remind myself that gestation is 38-42 weeks and even though I am 10 days "late" according to my due date, I still have 4 more days before the baby would be considered overdue. We had a sonogram late last week and the baby is doing very well, thriving. The placenta is healthy, the cord is functioning well, everything is normal and healthy. Those tests concluded that Mama is healthy, Tiny is healthy and there is no reason to worry or to take any kind of action towards induction.
Part of my struggle has been that I have spent the entire pregnancy thinking about the physical demands of labor and birth. Preparing mentally to take that on with vigor and enthusiasm. I've read it's the most challenging physical activity you will ever endure, it's like running a marathon, etc. I am completely prepared to face that- my body is strong, I'm confident with my physical capabilities, I trust the birthing process, etc. I'm used to taking on physical challenges. But I did not spend timing preparing for the emotional toll of waiting for that process to start. I guess that's how life works- Things come up for you that challenge you in the ways that you didn't expect. You know that in the end you will grow from it, that you will become a better person for working through it, but boy does it suck when you are in the middle of it.