To continue my kick of sharing things that people have made for Tiny I have to share the Onesies! At our "Baby Bash" style baby shower supplies were provided to make a personalized onesie. There were several iron-ons provided (images found by Molly B, Melissa, Molly S, Lizzie, Sean and I) and markers to do a little free hand work. These images are just a very small selection.

The building is "Arthouse"- where Sean and I got married.
Hi, how are you?- Sooooo Austin!

On the left- a painting by our friend Sam.
And I bet there are not many babies that have a Leonard Cohen Onesie!

Check out the kitty with the paw print on the behind!

The onesies are a variety of sizes- so we are well stocked and will get to enjoy this creative effort for Tiny's entire first year. (Hmmm, I see a theme developing for Tiny's first birthday party...)

All the designs where displayed on a line as people finished them.

Just before the creativity was unleashed.

Larry, Sharla, Sheri, Cohen, Lorelai, Tim, Christina, and Jeana at work.

Becky and Molly B.

Molly S and Melissa.
(I have lots of pics from the Baby Bash- I'll share them soon. The only part of a blog that doesn't really fit my style is the fact that it's suppose to be chronological.)