Friday, July 6, 2012

Quote(s) of the Day(s)

Playing with a baby doll.
Mommy- Is that your baby? Are you the Mommy?
Marlo- I'm not a Mommy, I just got her.
Mommy- Did you adopt her?
Marlo- No mommy, I'm not a Doctor.


Referring to a "turning around dress" she made out of my scarf...
Mommy- It has polka dots (it is white with small black dots)
Marlo- No. It's white with snowman eyes.


We now all live in Marlo's imaginary world... Frequently I find myself asking her if things she she talks about are real or not. Yesterday she introduced me to Stellip and Caleb her imaginary baby monsters. Caleb is orange, soft and has three eyes. They are both boys and are small enough to fit in her hand. We played for an extended time with them, took them to the imaginary splash pad and to a pretend music show (she even remembered to bring their ear "flugs"). At one point Marlo loaded the monsters onto a 'bus' and said "Come on Mommy get in the bus" I had just sat down to nurse Louis and replied "Sorry Marlo, you'll have to wait a little bit, I need to feed Louis." She said "No, not you, my image-e-eary Mommy."--- I've been replaced.


Marlo- I had to eat a good brevfast so it can big me up.


Mommy- Marlo it's raining, what do you want to wear? Do you want to wear long pants?
Marlo- I want to wear an umbrella.


Marlo was sitting on the couch watching YouTube videos on my phone (I know, I know... But Louis was sick and I really needed to occupy her). She jumped up off the couch and said "Mommy, Mommy, I talked to somebody!" I looked in my recent calls and she had dialed Grandma and Grandpa and was on the line for 17 seconds. I think she just heard their outgoing voicemail message but it inspired her and we had to call and leave them an actual message. After that she kept asking if she could call people, not wanting to disrupt everyone I have on speed dial I figured there's got to be an ap for that... Indeed, for $.99 your toddler can get calls from Elmo. Actually they can get calls and do FaceTime. I've never even done FaceTime and now my 2 year old is doing it with the worlds most famous puppet. When Elmo called she told him "It's just raining and my mommy is raining and my daddy is raining and my baby Louis is raining...."

We've been struggling with some potty defiance. In order to keep things positive and reward good potty events, rather than punish bad ones, I have resorted to giving her candy. After she had a success today she said " Hey Mommy, if YOU go to the potty I will give you 2 candies." Awesome!


This old man, he played one,
He played knick knack on my shoe,
With a knick knack was a
Was a was a whack
This old man is rolling home.
This old man, he played two,
He played knick knack on my door,
With a knick knack was a
Was a was a whack.
This old man is rolling home.
(this doesn't translate well when written but it's hilarious in person)