Friday, September 9, 2016

Spring 2016

We did do more than just move last spring!
Strike a pose

Wild onion hunting

The harvest

Soccer Shots!

Drawing bows and arrows

Sean and I took a long weekend in LA and it was a blast. Perfect weather. Bikes, museums, architecture, amazing food... not many pictures

Western day at school. An outfit my mom made and I wore when I was about that age.

We have a bathtub! For the first time in our kids lives!

Ice cream with cousins

Our kids have their own rooms. Marlo is taking full advantage "No Kid Boys"


crazy (blue) hair day

We cut about 4 inches off Marlo's hair in the spring,

Watching Louis play soccer. She has curlers in her hair for her ballet performance. She's playing with a small rolled up sticker. This look cracks me up and reminds me of  middle aged women from 1964- she just needs a martini.

Last day of school party in the park

Last day of school  Ms. Vasquez with Marlo, Madisyn, Evy and Isabella.

 We camp at Enchanted Rock. It was super fun and memorable!  We hiked, had smores, lost our minds from having too much sugar from the smores, hikes some more, and got caught in the biggest Texas thunder storm of our lives.

This was the "post-smore" show.

We've had so much rain last spring. Look at Lady Bird Lake!

When summer hit we went in for hair cuts.

Living room picnic with friends.

Marlo and Mable did a puppet show.

Louis' graduation from Sun, Moon, and Stars

Fun with Cousins.