Louis says "tank oou", "aaa done", "awa" and "na na"
Translated that "thank you", "all done", "water/aqua" and "night, night"
I wish I could keep up with the witty and silly things Marlo says. It
would be so nice to document it all but I forget half of her quotes
before the day is done and I have time to record them.
Mommy- Marlo I really wish you would take a nap today. It's saturday and we have big plans this afternoon. I think you'd feel so much better if you slept. We are going to go see Chloe and if you are rested it will be so much nicer to play with her and... (on and on)..."
Marlo- (Sticking her had out in a "stop" gesture) Mommy, Just don't worry about me.
Marlo- When I have kids I want to go to Pittsburgh and talk on the phone.
(So apparently the most memorable part of my parenting so far is FaceTime)
for reference: http://tinyguess.blogspot.com/2013/05/facetime.html