Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

Marlo- Daddy, you remember my friend?
Daddy- Which friend?
Marlo- My friend.
Daddy- What's your friend's name?
Marlo- Grandpa.

Louis- bababababaaaa babababaaaa dadadada
Marlo- What's Baby Louis saying?

We were doing flash cards with Mimi.
Octopus card- "octopus"
Goat Card- "it's not an octopus"
Seal Card- "it's not an octopus"
After she got over identifying every card as "not an octopus" we showed her the unicycle card to which she responded "why that bike broken"

We were playing at the house. Marlo picked up a little purse, a few other items and walked over to her cardboard car. "Let's go to the music (show). I've got the car keys, the picnic and the mushrooms"

I ordered Marlo a chocolate milk at the Starbucks drive through.
Marlo- Can I have my chocolate milk?
Mommy- We need to wait until we get home.
Marlo- I want my chocolate milk in the car.
Mommy- No Marlo. We have to wait. It could be too messy in the car.
Marlo- I want it.
Mommy- No Marlo. Daddy just cleaned the car and he would be upset if I let you have chocolate milk in the car.
Marlo- Mommy, Daddy's at work.
