Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cotton Candy

The kids were begging to try cotton candy. They'd never had it before and had high hopes for how magical it would be. We search the internet to find a place that offers real cotton candy (not a bag from a gas station) and finally found it at a funky new pizza place about as far from our house as you can be and still be in Austin.

It started out pretty magical! A big dramatic cloud of sugar!  A fantastical shape. What more could a 5 year old want?
First taste...


Totaly meltdown. Dreams crushed. Will to live gone. No hope, ever again!

Louis was a little freaked out by the texture but had a better reaction to the sugary sweetness.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Olympic Day

It was Olympic Day at UT Elementary.

Marlo and Evy... and Austin.

Bowling was her best event.

Marlo and Eli.

Obstactle course.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Louis and the Future

Here's Louis' response when asked by his new teacher what things he's excited about for the future:

Louis: "Driving a car. I like turning the steering wheel. I'm excited about going to college. I know grown-ups go there in big cities. I'm excited about building a house. I'm excited to get bigger teeth."
On the flip side of this... this weekend he told us "I want to get strong, really big strong muscles but I want to stay a little kid. Not a grown up."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Family Bike Ride

The kids are really starting to enjoy their bikes. I can't wait until the weather cools a bit and we can ride more. On Labor Day we rode the trail at Govalle Park. Louis made it a little over a mile and then loaded up in the trailer. Marlo road 2.5 miles and was a champ!  

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Construction Site Visit

Looking at the kitchen/dining from the front door.

Built in benches are starting to take shape. When the kids saw it they said "I didn't know were were going to have a stage!" I guess we have a stage.

Built in bench in sitting area and dining area.

A bathtub! This was really exciting for the kids. Probably because they recognize it and because we currently don't have a tub.

Louis and his friend Kinley in the playroom, wondering  how you go out "that door" (which is actually a sky light)... They plan to fly.   Later when I asked Louis what his favorite part of our new house was he said "Kinley."  He knows what matters most- Friends!

Hide and seek.

In the tiny garage apartment.

The front door.  Wow, that's a lot of glass (and probably a lot of finger and nose prints).

Friday, September 11, 2015

Around the house


"We're going to take these apart and make something new with them." It took me a while to fine all the parts and get them back to being chairs after this fun activity.  

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!