Sunday, May 31, 2015


We've been sneaking in as much outside play as we can between rainstorms, tornado warnings, and flash floods.


Worms! We tried geocaching last weekend. We didn't fine the treasure- everyone ran out of steam and it ended with ant bites, mud and Louis eating everyones snack. Before the meltdowns we did have fun- we'll try again soon!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Creative Action Afterschool Showcase

Marlo played the part of the Principle in a play and did some improv comedy for us.  The video is the awards ceremony.  Truly appreciate the this program, organization and their teachers. They help us maintain a good perspective- Marlo got an award for "Confident Vision" which sometimes we make the mistake of calling "bossy and inflexible" Thanks Ms. Erin, Ms. Taylor, Mr. Micheal, Mr. Justin and all the Creative Action team.
Marlo was also featured in a movie about siblings- they are going to send it our and I will share when I have it.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Last Day of PreK

Kia- Marlo's 5th grade buddy. She will really miss seeing her every Friday.

Pre K completion ceremony
Ms. Tanco

Pure joy!
Summer vacation= Sleeping in + bubbles in your undies

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


We hiked the Homestead Trail at Mckinney Falls last Sunday. The kids did great, hiked the entire 2.8 miles (they even ran sections of it). We saw lots and lots of bugs and flowers. 
2 days later we are learning that we also encountered lots of chiggers (oh, Texas...)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Marlo with her school mascot at the school carnival- "Bevo Bash" 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hard Knock Life

Ever since I took Marlo to see Annie (the musical- aka "the real Annie") she's been wanting to scrub floors and wash windows. Louis is into it too. Quality control is a bit of an issue but I'm not complaining. The bottom 3 feet of our glass door has never been cleaner.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Daisy the Chick

Marlo brought a chicken home from school. From my conversations with Marlo I can't tell if her teacher realizes that this is not a permanent adoption but more like a sleepover.  Marlo might have over committed us. To be continued...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Favorite photos

Marlo at the LBJ library on UT campus.

Louis on a Saturday morning at 6am with his gloves, sword and dancing to Katie Perry.

Marlo pre-bike ride. We rode 4 miles of the Walnut Creek Trail starting at Govalle Park. Great trail, great ride!

First day of real warm weather and Louis won't take his hoodie off.

Sour cream.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Louis strikes a pose while Marlo acts like an angsty teenager (because it sucks to have just been at the community garden planting watermelons wtih your friends on a sunny beautiful day?)