Friday, December 9, 2011

Marlo or Cybil?

Here's a couple more...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cybil or Marlo?

I found some old photos of myself and had fun comparing them to Marlo

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

O' Christmas Tree

Christina (Elowyn's Mama) made us a super adorable advent calendar.  
It's full of stickers and ornaments and Marlo LOVES it. 

Here she is (with a stuffed puppy in her shirt) putting new stickers and coloring on the paper Christmas Tree we made. Next year we might actually get a real tree (or at least a real fake tree), but she seems very enamored with this one so I'm going to leave it at that for now.  We might have to add some light...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I finally finished Marlo's cardboard kitchen. I've had everything together for at least a month with the exception of the stove top and the faucet. I've been searching for the perfect faucet and found it in the holiday candy aisle... a candy cane top!

Here are a few detailed pictures.  
The fridge is clad with white duct tape, the faucet handles are drawer pulls, the burners are styrofoam trays and the stove knobs are plastic bottle caps. I found her some random fake food and play dishes at the thrift store. I think she likes it, although so far she mostly uses it as a parking garage for her match box cars...