Friday, September 30, 2011


I finally captured Marlo's ABCs on video. Occasionally she'll get every letter. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Marlo has been singing constantly over the last couple weeks.  It's really hard to get her to do it for the camera so I had to be a little bit sneaky. You can pretty much ignore the visuals on these videos and just listen to the audio.

Twinkle, Twinkle (and more)

(At 1 minute into the video  she starts saying "Stop. Walk away."  This is what they tell the kids at school to say when someone is bugging them or when they are frustrated with something. I guess she's just practicing. You can also hear a bit of the ABC's and a song about an alligator)

Wheels on the Bus

The More We Get Together

She's just learning this one and she's already improved since I recorded this video yesterday afternoon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pictures from Montana

Marlo in Grandma's flower garden.
4 Generations.

Smelling the flowers

Marlo's favorite game at Grandma's was to climb in this empty cabinet and
close the door.

Hiking with the Bowman Family.  Ross and Marlo are
pack up and ready for Rylie to take the lead!

Rylie taught Marlo how to wade and throw rocks in 
the creek.

Holding hands and hiking.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Introducing #2

Marlo is going to be a big sister!

We had our sonogram on Thursday and here are some pictures of the little one!

Everything check out and the baby is healthy and growing!

Profile.  The baby was moving a lot and this picture 
caught a double exposure. There are not 2 babies!

Arm and hand.
Mouth and nose (from below)

A perfect little foot (left) and a blur that I think is a foot (right)


We didn't find out the baby's gender...
I but I love hearing people's guesses.

We are so excited to meet him/her in early January 2012!

Happy Labor Day Weekend.

Playing in Mimi's pool.