Thursday, January 20, 2011


Friday, January 14, 2011

Walking Practice

Look how much more stable Marlo is on her feet after just 2 days of practice.
She just started pulling herself up and standing a week ago and now she's cruising along the furniture and attempting to step out on her own.

Jan 12

Yikes- do I really talk like that?  Yes

Jan 14

Side note: That shirt it going in the "too small" pile!  Look at that big belly hanging out!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

She can...

She can talk!

"Good Dog Carl" is one of Marlo's favorite books.  She's getting really good at mimicking our language- she did this several times and I was lucky to get such a clear pronunciation on video.

She can walk!
Well, she can't walk but she did pull herself up from sitting to standing all by herself for the first time today. I spotted her but didn't give her any assistance.  She is very interested in walking, instead of scooting or crawling she prefers that you walk along with her so she can hold your fingers and stay balanced. It's unfortunate that this requires you to be bent over in a stance that is sure to cause permanent damage to your back.  I hope she finds her balance soon.

She can help in the kitchen.

This video is kind of long and boring but I think it's cool how hard kids work when they play.  And at the end she uses her sign language.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1st Bike Ride

Here's Marlo looking at Bobtail Quail at the Austin Nature Center last weekend.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Monday, January 3, 2011

Smart dresser

Sunday, January 2, 2011
